The IT Girl Factory

The IT Girl Factory

How we help women,
seeking personal development,
manage self-doubt, find purpose,
& become their best selves.

Let's Turn Self-Doubt Into Purpose
In 7 Steps...

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Why The IT Girl Factory Clients Always Eliminate Self-Doubt & Find Purpose

The 7 -step framework, How to Be An IT Girl: Intentionally Transformed, is a lifestyle transformation program that not only helps women conditioned by toxic relationships to eliminate self-doubt, and find purpose. The IT Girl Factory guarantees the accountability needed to acquire your desired transformations.

How? Because The IT Girl Factory is an ever growing community of women seeking change, purpose, and alignment in their lives. The girls that get community, are the girls that share high vibrations to heal from their toxic pasts, eliminate self-doubt, and find purpose together.

The purposeful community, at The IT Girl Factory, makes it nearly impossible to miss your higher self, and avoid alignment with your purpose. The How to Be An IT Girl 7-Step framework exposes limiting beliefs, and pain points, while also providing clear and actionable solutions that can be utilized to intentionally transform your life. Thus, igniting your journey of healing from toxic relationships, eliminiating self-doubt, and finding purpose.

Why Most People Fail At Healing From Toxic Relationships, Eliminating Self-Doubt, & Finding Purpose

Most people fail at healing from toxic relationships, eliminating self-doubt, and finding purpose because they don't know where and how to start, fear or comparison, they try to do it alone, they lack measures of accountability, or they are not intentional about healing emotional wounds.. even when they aren't at fault.

Though your toxic conditioning and self-doubt may not be your fault...

Intentional Transformation to eliminate self-doubt and find purpose, is your responsibility. ITs not as daunting as it seems because we've already thought through the solution for you!

Studies show that solution-based lifestyle-coaching programs result in increased purpose in life, self-acceptance, growth mindset, and hope for a better future. Scientific data also shows that the combination of these life enhancements equates to increased well-being. As the saying goes, what the mind does first, the rest of your being will follow.


                         CONFRONT IT

 1. Identify pain points in your daily life and expose your limited mindset.
 2. Reveal the blockers that are silencing your highest self.
 3. Heighten your self-awareness to actively manage future pain points.


                       ITS A MINDSET

1. Identify your personal philosophy/learning styles and honor them.
2. Understand the science of practicing gratitude and affirmations.
3. Apply your newfound mindset before embarking on any journey or goal.


                      GET IT TOGETHER

1. Create measures of success by implementing action and accountability.
2. Audit your brain, and locate previously identified pain points.
3. Apply a prioritization strategy based on brain audit and pain point mapping.


               ARE YOU REALLY 'BOUT IT?

1. Acquire the utmost integrity in your work ethic.
2. Create preventative measures for self sabotage. Growth is uncomfortable!
3. Align with like-minded individuals to maintain your authentic work ethic.


                     NUTRITION GIRL

1. Practice self-care in the form of nutrition for energy management.
2. Understand the importance of micro/macronutrients, and their impact.
3. Address your perception of food to enable a healthy relationship with it.


                            FIT GIRL

1.  Practice self-care in the form of movement instead of punishment.
2. Challenge societal beauty standards by moving to live and age gracefully.
3. Address your relationship with exercise to accept it's healing properties.


                          PRITY GIRL

1.  Mirror your inner and outer beauty. You deserve your undivided attention.
2. Unpack your perception of beauty, and honor your authenticity.
3. Practice self-care to love yourself fully, and bring your whole self to your relationships. No one else completes you.

Here Is What The
7 Steps Cover...

How to Be An IT Girl: Intentionally Transformed



 1. Identify pain points in your daily life and expose your limited mindset.
 2. Reveal the blockers that are silencing your highest self.
 3. Heighten your self-awareness to actively manage future pain points.



1. Identify your personal philosophy/learning styles and honor them.
2. Understand the science of practicing gratitude and affirmations.
3. Apply your newfound mindset before embarking on any journey or goal.



1. Create measures of success by implementing action and accountability.
2. Audit your brain, and locate previously identified pain points.
3. Apply a prioritization strategy based on brain audit and pain point mapping.



1. Acquire the utmost integrity in your work ethic.
2. Create preventative measures for self sabotage. Growth is uncomfortable!
3. Align with like-minded individuals to maintain your authentic work ethic.



1. Practice self-care in the form of nutrition for energy management.
2. Understand the importance of micro/macronutrients, and their impact.
3. Address your perception of food to enable a healthy relationship with it.



1.  Practice self-care in the form of movement instead of punishment.
2. Challenge societal beauty standards by moving to live and age gracefully.
3. Address your relationship with exercise to accept it's healing properties.



1.  Mirror your inner and outer beauty. You deserve your undivided attention.
2. Unpack your perception of beauty, and honor your authenticity.
3. Practice self-care to love yourself fully, and bring your whole self to your relationships. No one else completes you.

Client Reviews

About The Founder

Nzinga Martineau is an
Intentional Transformation Life
Coach aka... a Certified IT Girl

From an I.T. professional to a personal development and self-care enthusiast, Nzinga has mastered the art of transforming her lifestyle through intentional daily actions. Her personal transformation may appear to be physical, but it doesn't end there. In fact, it didn't even start there.

Her commitment to healing from toxic relationships, with partners and a parent, ignited her elimination of self-doubt. Through this journey she discovered a mindset shift that led her to her purpose.

Through her own experiences, Nzinga has a passion for teaching women that it is possible to exist in the world as the highest versions of themselves. Nzinga believes that we are all born with IT. However, some of us may have to develop IT, and that's ok.

With tools and intentional behavior that define your personal philosophy, an IT Girl is born.The girl who consistently shows up by healing from toxic conditioning that has diminshed her self-belief. An IT Girl relentlessly transforms her self-doubt into integrity in her excellence. Thus, purpose is found.

About The Founder

Nzinga Martineau is an
Intentional Transformation Life Coach aka... a Certified IT Girl

From an I.T. professional to a personal development and self-care enthusiast, Nzinga has mastered the art of transforming her lifestyle through intentional daily actions. Her personal transformation may appear to be physical, but it doesn't end there. In fact, it didn't even start there.

Her commitment to healing from toxic relationships, with partners and a parent, ignited her elimination of self-doubt. Through this journey she discovered a mindset shift that led her to her purpose.

Through her own experiences, Nzinga has a passion for teaching women that it is possible to exist in the world as the highest versions of themselves. Nzinga believes that we are all born with IT. However, some of us may have to develop IT, and that's ok.

With tools and intentional behavior that define your personal philosophy, an IT Girl is born.The girl who consistently shows up by healing from toxic conditioning that has diminshed her self-belief. An IT Girl relentlessly transforms her self-doubt into integrity in her excellence. Thus, purpose is found.

The Choice Is Yours

At This Point You Have 2 Options...


  • Feed Your Fears:   Every day you spend avoiding your higher self, fuels your limiting beliefs and affirms your self-doubt.
  • Stay Stuck:  Doing the same thing, and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity. You will never experience your highest vision of your life.
  • Manifest Mediocrity: If you don't bet on       yourself then who will? Life is short. Do you truly think you deserve a life of regret?
  • Tolerate Toxicity: Not only did your toxic partner or parent condition you to believe that you aren't enough, but you insist on honoring it. That is dishonorable to you.



  • Silence Your Self-Doubt: Commit to showing up for yourself because now you have the answers! You will learn as you grow!
  • Heal: Healing is ongoing, but if you have start somewhere you don't have to start alone!
  • Find Purpose: Your purpose reveals itself when you're living in alignment. We teach you how to align!
  • Real Life Results: Our mission is to teach you how to be an IT Girl by applying our solutions to your life in an authentic way.

     ITs your Intentional Transformation.

The Choice Is Yours

At This Point You Have 2 Options...


  • Feed Your Fears:   Every day you spend avoiding your higher self, fuels your limiting beliefs and affirms your self-doubt.
  • Stay Stuck:  Doing the same thing, and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity. You will never experience your highest vision of your life.
  • Manifest Mediocrity: If you don't bet on       yourself then who will? Life is short. Do you truly think you deserve a life of regret?
  • Tolerate Toxicity: Not only did your toxic partner or parent condition you to believe that you aren't enough, but you insist on honoring it. That is dishonorable to you.



  • Silence Your Self-Doubt: Commit to showing up for yourself because now you have the answers! You will learn as you grow!
  • Heal: Healing is ongoing, but if you have start somewhere you don't have to start alone!
  • Find Purpose: Your purpose reveals itself when you're living in alignment. We teach you how to align!
  • Real Life Results: Our mission is to teach you how to be an IT Girl by applying our solutions to your life in an authentic way.

     ITs your Intentional Transformation.

Who Is This For?

  • Your past relationships with toxic partners, or parents, have instilled self-doubt that prevents you from believing in yourself, and chasing your dream life.
  • You’re seeking clarity on your purpose in this world.
  • You want to learn how to attract abundance in the ways that are most meaningful to you.
  • You want to learn how to intentionally have faith in the unseen to achieve the thing that you cannot stop thinking about.
  • You’re clear on what your purpose is, but taking action and being intentional about your transformation is the only thing that stands in the way between you and purposeful living.
  • You want to build better habits that lead to a healthier lifestyle (mentally, physically, and spiritually).

Sounds Like ITs For You?
 Then The IT Girl Factory was made for you.
The only thing that stands in the way of you popping your IT Girl Sh!t is you!
Your Intentional Transformation to purpose is on the other side of eliminating self-doubt, and healing from your toxic relationships.

 Let’s go get IT!